Nearly 50% of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. You may also hear your dentist in Long Grove refer to gum disease as gingivitis. So what’s the difference between gum disease and gingivitis, and how can you tell if… Read More…
Even though your dentist in Long Grove is all about keeping your mouth healthy, the truth is, proper nutrition and good oral health go hand-in-hand. This is why, during this National Nutrition Month, we want to do our part to raise awareness of the importance of eating right. On A… Read More…
Any type of ongoing tooth pain usually means something isn’t quite right. But does that mean every toothache requires a visit to your dentist in Long Grove? The short answer — probably. However, if your pain lasts for 2 or more days, isn’t reduced with painkillers, and is paired with… Read More…
As we head into the one-year mark of this pandemic, there are still several unknowns. But one thing has remained constant the whole time — stress levels are high, and rightfully so. Stress isn’t the best thing for health, especially at times like these. Prolonged periods of high stress can… Read More…
If wearing your mask has caused you to change the way you breathe, you’re not alone. Most of us are still getting used to wearing masks day after day, hour after hour, and many of us may have felt the need to adjust from breathing out of noses to breathing… Read More…
There are plenty of reasons why someone may not love the way their smile looks. Maybe their teeth aren’t white enough or perhaps they’re crooked or worn down. Whatever the reason, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution from your dentist in Long Grove that can transform your smile into one you’re… Read More…
Pain in your teeth is such a unique yet unpleasant feeling. The zings and throbbing that come along with a toothache are enough to make you miserable. We get it, and even though we don’t wish toothaches on anyone, the truth is, they happen. But sometimes the hardest part of… Read More…
Many everyday things can cause tooth staining, from your daily cup of coffee to your nightly glass of red wine. But don’t worry, your dentist in Long Grove has some good news. You don’t necessarily need to stop enjoying all the things that can stain your teeth. In fact, there… Read More…
Many smokers try to disguise their habit by covering up the smell with gum, mints, or mouthwash. But the truth is, your dentist in Long Grove can probably still tell that you’re a smoker even if you don’t share that information. In actuality, there’s a lot your dentist can tell… Read More…
November is Diabetes Awareness Month and strives to raise awareness of a chronic disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans. But what does this have to do with your dentist in Long Grove? Well, the truth is, there is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes, and it’s ever… Read More…