New Patients: 224-888-3242
Current Patients: 847-719-1973
3976 Route 22, Suite E, Long Grove, IL 60047


added on: October 22, 2014

Women undergo several hormonal changes throughout their lives, causing hormone levels to fluctuate. This fluctuation can not only cause changes in the body, but in the mouth as well. At my Long Grove dental office, we want to cater to our female patients, and this blog can explain how their… Read More…

added on: October 8, 2014

Your teeth were created to last for a long time. But sometimes, gum disease, decay, and even accidents can cause your teeth to fall out. Millions of American suffer from tooth loss caused by a variety of problems, but at my dental office in Long Grove, we’d like to talk… Read More…

added on: September 24, 2014

Whether you’re new to the area or just looking for a new dentist, choosing the right practice for yourself and your family can be an intimidating process. It’s important to know that not all dentists will be a good fit. At my dental office in Long Grove, we’d like to… Read More…

added on: September 10, 2014

Despite the old adage that says you can’t wear white after Labor Day, at my Long Grove dental office, we think it’s always in style to wear a white smile. While habits and time itself can take a toll on your grin and make your pearly whites less than bright,… Read More…

added on: August 20, 2014

Visiting the dentist is never at the top of anyone’s fun list; and we’ll be honest, sometimes it hurts our feelings. There are some top reasons people avoid going to the dentist, but no matter what your reason for not keeping your appointments at my dental office in Long Grove,… Read More…

added on: August 6, 2014

We talk a lot during your visits to my Long Grove dental office – about your kids, your job, your spouse, and your teeth – but sometimes we have even more to say and not enough time to say it! So I’ve decided to put the most important things we… Read More…

added on: July 30, 2014

It’s warm out. And when it’s warm, we tend to switch the type of food and drinks we consume. But have you ever thought that what may be good tasting may not be making your smile happy? There are many common summer treats that, while tasting fantastic, are causing damage… Read More…

added on: July 23, 2014

When people sleep in the same room, there’s always a chance that someone will not get a good night’s sleep. Whether it’s because one of the individuals steals the blankets, or the other one is a loud snorer, co-sleeping can sometimes be less than ideal. However, with all of the… Read More…

added on: July 16, 2014

Nothing bugs us more than when people make up stories to try and scare others. We’ve all heard of urban legends, and some of us may have even fallen victim to believing them. What concerns all of us at my Long Grove dental office are the legends that cause misconceptions… Read More…

added on: July 9, 2014

You’ve finally made it to your destination. You’re ready to relax, and your vacation has officially started. All of a sudden, it happens. An unexpected dental problem pops up from nowhere and threatens to ruin your hard-earned time off. But don’t worry, tips from my dental office in Long Grove… Read More…

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