Whether you call it vaping, smoking e-cigs, or something else, the fact remains that there’s been a widespread increase in electronic cigarette use. At my Long Grove dental office, we’re always concerned with the oral health and overall health of our patients. While we know smoking cigarettes increases the risk for oral cancer and other serious problems, we wanted to know more about the risks of e-cigarettes.
What We Found
Ever since they entered the U.S. market in 2007, e-cigarette sales has increased fast. So fast that science hasn’t been able to keep up with researching potential side effects. There’s little known about whether e-cigs help smokers quit lighting up, and there’s even less information about what some of the harmful side effects may be. So until more conclusive research is complete, here’s what we do know.
Basically, more research is needed before we can determine whether or not e-cigarettes may help smokers quit without leading to more complications. In the meantime, there are other ways you can stop smoking.
A Better Option
We all know that smoking is bad for both our oral health and our overall health. But quitting isn’t easy. Nicotine is addictive, and that makes it incredibly hard to re-train your body to not crave it anymore. Before jumping on the e-cigarette train, at least until more conclusive research is done, consider some alternatives to help you quit.
Whether this is the first or seventh time you’ve tried to stop smoking, don’t give up. In the meantime, make sure you keep appointments with your Long Grove dentist so that if any oral health problems do arise, they can be caught and treated early.
Welcoming patients from Long Grove, Buffalo Grove, Lake Zurich.